
Student writing with a pencil

All families that are aligned with Seattle Jewish Community School's (SJCS) mission and supportive of its vision, core values, and educational philosophy are welcome to apply for admission.

Students turning six during the academic year (starting on September 1) are eligible for admission to kindergarten. The school will also consider applications of students turning five during the first part of the school year, if these applicants present as developmentally ready for a full-day, educational program in a vibrant K-5 context. Such admissions would be with the understanding that the educational professionals, in consultation with the family, could determine that the child would benefit from a second year in kindergarten. 

In making admission decisions when limited places are available, the school will give priority to eligible siblings of current students or graduates and then will make its determinations drawing on the professional team's sole discretion regarding the class composition that will best position the school to deliver excellently on its mission, vision, core values, and educational philosophy. 

SJCS does not discriminate in admissions decisions on the basis of the applicants’ or their families’ markers of personal identities. We also make “need blind” decisions, without consideration of financial circumstances.


Learn more about tuition and Financial aid